The tale of a Microsoft programmer who rides an autorickshaw on the weekends to combat his feelings of loneliness has gained attention on social media thanks to a tweet made by a Bengaluru resident. The image of the engineer driving while wearing his corporate hoodie was posted on X, and it has prompted conversations about the value of social interaction in high-pressure professions.
Tech professional Venkatesh Gupta wrote on X, saying, “I met a 35-year-old staff software engineer at Microsoft in Koramangala who drives Namma Yatri on weekends to combat loneliness.” The juxtaposition of the engineer driving an autorickshaw and sporting a Microsoft sweatshirt has drawn notice from the public.4
Online, the post has sparked a variety of responses. A few others sympathized with the engineer’s loneliness. “As the tech industry grows, so does the phenomenon of loneliness among professionals,” one user commented. A little-known fact: human connection can occasionally be surpassed by even the most sophisticated technology.”
Various points of view also surfaced. Not the first time I hear individuals working this part-time job, and why not if it relieves them in any manner, a user noted. However, with the insane traffic, it might not promote mental tranquility. Ignoring the financial aspect.” A different poster raised concerns about the wider ramifications of technology, saying, “This makes me question the deep dark side of technology that has connected everything and yet made the world so lonely.”